I love picnics with pies, quiches and pates but this needed to be quick, easy to pack up and carry on the tube and simple to eat whilst perched on a painty chair. I decided on four different salads, some ginger ale and my chocolate fridge cake for pudding. I've listed the salads below and you can click on them to be taken to the recipe post which I've decided to do separately so they are easier to find, and follow.
It was so much fun - I highly recommend taking lunch to someone who is working hard and deserves a treat. An added bonus was having the leftovers for lunch the next day allowing us to go for a massive dog walk, get home ravening and have yummy lunch immediately. I also felt a bit smug for using a lot of the hoarded takeaway boxes I insist on keeping, I think slightly to my husbands disgust, but it does mean the photos don't look great - sorry Mumma!
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