1 January 2020

30 Days of Notebook Prompts

So this year I would really like to proactivly get stuff done for me. I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions but in 2019 I made big steps in my business and well, without wanting to sound like a weirdo, my mind so I really want to do some of the things I always mean to do but instead I spend my time doing pointless shit for other people*.

So one of the things I used to do, before grown-up jobs, husbands, kids, anti-depressants etc is write in notebooks. I used to have one like a security blanket. One group of friends even hilariously used to call me Lyrics because that is often what I wrote. Well I want to get back to it. Back to the notebooks, back to creativity but I've become scared of fucking up so I've created 30 days of prompts to just get me in the habit of using notebooks again. So if you want to up your creativity, spend less time on your phone and just do something for yourself why don't you join in. I'll be sharing mine on Instagram using the hashtag #30daysofnotebooks


*I love doing stuff for other people but my god I need to learn to not fill ever single minute doing everything for everyone else and making myself ill. There. I said it.
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