4 March 2011

The Hungover Cookbook

The Hungover CookbookMy darling friend Florence bought me The Hungover Cookbook just out of the blue (probably because I spent a lot of time moaning to her about being hungover) and it is the most lovely thing I've received in ages. Anyone stuck for a present get this. Not only are the recipes yummy but it actually works - you can lie in your dark room peering at this, discovering what kind of hangover you have and then seeing what tickles your fancy. Even when I don't think I could eat a thing something always manages to drag me to the kitchen and frankly some of the recipes I dribble over when I haven't touched a drop for days (cheese and red onion toastie anyone?)

Based on the hangovers as outlined by P.G. Wodehouse's Bertie Wooster in The Mating Season (the Broken Compass, the Sewing Machine, the Comet, the Atomic, the Cement Mixer and the Gremlin Boogie) there is a section on each and a selection of recipes (again inspired by Bertie) depending on which you are diagnosed as having. Now this book has been criticised and I can see why - I mean we've all had hangovers where we can't imagine doing anything than rather pathetically prodding at an egg in a frying pan and trying not to be sick - but I have to say the older I get the more I feel the need not to be wasting the day and this gives me a little mission that makes me feel like I've accomplished something - even if it is shouting and throwing things at my husband until he brings me breakfast in bed whilst telling me it's fine to talk rather boringly about myself to someone I barely know for five hours until they manage to drag themselves away.

I have appreciated it most when I'm too hungover to do anything but lie under a blanket on the sofa - it's small and beautiful and makes me happy. The perfect present.

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